Adam C. Lively

  • 01/18/2016

Adam C. Lively
UPP Studios
founder, Adam C. Lively was born in San Diego, CA on April 14, 1992. He only spent his first year there before moving with his parents to Nampa, Idaho at the age of 1 where he would spend the next 18 years of his life. Growing up in the backwoods of Idaho, Adam is no stranger to hunting, fishing or fighting. The inherent “tough” nature of a rural kid from Idaho gives Adam a unique perspective on life that feeds beautifully into his creative process. At 18, Adam C. Lively packed up his car and moved to Los Angeles in search of something bigger.  Under the direction of his cousin, an actor living in Los Angeles, Adam found a path for himself within the entertainment industry. However, he quickly realized that, like everything else, he wanted to be in control and do it his way, not the traditional way because nothing about him is traditional. Ready to pioneer the colossal seas of a corporate dominated industry, Adam C. Lively and his then roommate, David M. Goldman, branched out to create a company (UPP Studios) that would allow him to be the master of his own destiny. Having come from a place with an “every man for himself” mentality, Adam has strived to become knowledgeable in any and every way he can within the industry. From video techniques that enhance our projects, to SEO skills that help our website thrive, Adam C. Lively is a true manifestation of the term utility player.