Chips | Sketches | UPP Studios

  • 05/08/2017

UPP Studios is excited to release, another new media sketch comedy video, entitled "Chips." We have had the opportunity to work with many great people on this road of creation. This sketch was the first time we had the privalege of working with Rick Mancia. Rick, a regular on the Hulu series "East Los High," is a real team player. He showed up last minute to film and he did a great job of rolling with the punches. You never know how someone one might perceive as "normal" is going to take it when you present them with a sketch in which you are acting like a complete weirdo. Rick complimented our weirdness beautifully in this video. We look forward to working with him again in the future. Thanks for tuning in and please feel free to let us know what you think in the comments section below. 

Cast and Crew:

Bartholomew - Adam C. Lively

Marcel - David M. Goldman

Manny - Rick Mancia

Writers - David M. Goldman and Adam C. Lively

Directors - David M. Goldman and Adam C. Lively

Editor - Adam C. Lively

Opening Title VFX - Michael K. Yeager

Director Of Photography - Adam C. Lively

Produced by UPP Studios