Magic Is Weird | Sketches | UPP Studios

  • 05/14/2018

UPP Studios proudly presents, another ultra-short new media sketch comedy video, entitled “Magic Is Weird.” When Adam brought this idea to the table, David thought it was hilarious. Once the sketch was up on it’s feet, however, the two weren’t sure what they were creating. The idea was as strange as it was funny. David literally looked at Adam after one of the takes and said “what the f**k did we just do? Sometimes you have to get weird in order to find the funny. As unsure as the two were during the process, both felt that the end result was damn funny. Hopefully you feel the same! Thanks for tuning in, and please, let us know what you think in the comments section below!

Cast and Crew:

Carson The Magician - David M. Goldman

Ryan The Volunteer - Adam C. Lively

Writers - David M. Goldman and Adam C. Lively

Directors - David M. Goldman & Adam C. Lively

Editor - Adam C. Lively

Director of Photography - Adam C. Lively

Produced by UPP Studios