Santa's Out of Town | Sketches | UPP Studios

  • 12/25/2016

UPP Studios is excited to release, another new media sketch comedy video, entitled "Santa's Out of Town." Many great ideas are birthed from a single, simple, question: what if? This time, the question that overcame Adam C. Lively was "what if Santa wasn't the guy we all thought he was?". We had an inordinate amount of fun answering that question. Playing with iconic characters is a treat because there is a great deal of established history to refer back to and tweak for comedic purposes. Hopefully you enjoy seeing this side of Santa Claus as much as we enjoyed creating this sketch! Please let us know what you think in the comments section below. Thank you for tuning in, and have a very merry christmas!

Cast and Crew:

Santa Claus - David M. Goldman

Martha Claus - Adam C. Lively

Jimmy The Elf - Evan L. Smith

Boy Toy - Adam C. Lively

Writers - Adam C. Lively & David M. Goldman

Directors - Adam C. Lively & David M. Goldman

Editor - Adam C. Lively 

Director of Photography - Adam C. Lively 

1st AC - David Gabriel

Produced by UPP Studios