Blog 040 | Play Smarter Not Harder

  • 11/18/2016

This blog, brought to you by UPP Studios, discusses why the “play smarter not harder” mentality puts one in the most prime position to succeed. In order for a company to thrive one must constantly assess whether or not there is a proper allocation of resources. If too much time and energy is being focused on the wrong thing, it must be redirected. Sometimes this means deciding what stays and what goes, and that is never an easy job. 

Vine was a social media platform that allowed users to upload 6 second videos. It catered to the modern audience that tends to have a much shorter attention span. For some, Vine propelled them to stardom. It provided a space for a new type of creativity for anyone and everyone. As individuals gained larger and larger followings, they were approached by companies to make videos containing branded content. While this allowed the creators of the videos to finally monetize all of their hard work, it also upset their dedicated fan bases. The fans felt that their trust had been violated. To them, there was a sense that their favorite performers were no longer staying true to who they were when they first joined the platform. In an attempt to salvage the followings they had worked so hard to acquire, the performers abandoned videos containing branded content. As they still felt that they should be compensated for their contribution to the platform, the performers turned to Vine, asking that Vine step in and find a way to pay them. 

Twitter purchased Vine in 2012 not long after it’s inception. However, after four years, Twitter decided to play smarter and not harder, which meant shutting Vine down. They could have used time, energy, resources and money to try to find a way to keep the platform alive. Instead they cut their losses and instead that time, energy, money and resources will go into making Twitter even better than it already is. 

UPP Studios

UPP Studios believes in the “play smarter not harder” mentality. As such, we try to constantly evaluate where our efforts would be put to best use. The blog section of our website served two purposes. The first purpose was to facilitate our SEO (Search Engine Optimization). By carefully choosing blog titles after much research, we were able to plug in just the right keywords to push our pages to the front of google search results. We are very proud to say, in fact, that without spending a penny, google will complete the phrase when you type the first three letters of our company name, U-P-P. The second purpose of the blog section was to give our fans some insight into our process and allow them to share in our journey as we grow as a company.

UPP Studios | Instagram PhotoUPP Studios is fortunate in that inhabiting the “play smarter not harder” mentality has begun to pay off. More and more people are showing an interest in our company and acquiring our services. We are in the process of writing a feature film that has the interest of a few industry insiders. In a direct attempt to play smarter not harder, we have decided to take a hiatus from the blogs. We feel that the best thing for our company is to devote the extra time and energy to the screenplay and some of the other big projects we are working on. 

If you have been reading the blogs regularly, we would like to express our most sincere gratitude, and assure you that down the line the blogs are sure to return. If this is the first blog of ours that you have read, or one of the first, you have plenty to go back and read through. The previous 39 blogs cover topics that do not lose their relevance, so they should be just as interesting and informative today, as the day we released them. 

Thank you so much for your continued interest in UPP Studios. There is an original new media sketch comedy video released every Monday right here at, so stay tuned because there’s plenty more content on the way!