Brotherly Love | Sketches | UPP Studios

  • 09/04/2017

UPP Studios is excited to release, another new media sketch comedy video, entitled "Brotherly Love." We've said it before and we'll say it again, Adam C. Lively is committed. And should be committed. Adam is a team player like none you've ever seen. The abuse he endured for this sketch was quite admirable. So please, enjoy even more schadenfreude at Adam's expense, and let us know what you think in the comments section below!

Cast and Crew:

Stevie - Adam C. Lively

Brandon - David M. Goldman

Writers - David M. Goldman & Adam C. Lively

Directors - David M. Goldman & Adam C. Lively

Editor - Adam C. Lively

Director of Photography - Adam C. Lively

Underwater Camera Operator - Evan L. Smith

Produced by UPP Studios