Drive Thru | Sketches | UPP Studios

  • 12/18/2017

UPP Studios is excited to release, another new media sketch comedy video, entitled “Drive Thru.” Evan Smith is always a reliable actor. He is prompt, professional, and willing to go the extra mile. We have to give Evan, major kudos, for his performance in this sketch. Not only was he hilarious in his delivery, but he was also fearless, yelling very vulgar dialogue, in the presence of families in close proximity. Doing so, and keeping a straight face, is quite a daunting task, but of course, Evan, being as fantastic as he is, was able to pull it off. We are very grateful to have him as a regular actor on the UPP Studios roster. Thank you for watching, and please let us know what you think in the comments section below!

Cast and Crew:

Randall - Adam C. Lively

Jeremy - David M. Goldman

Angry Driver - Evan L. Smith

Writers - Adam C. Lively & David M. Goldman 

Directors - Adam C. Lively & David M. Goldman 

Editor - Adam C. Lively

Director of Photography - Adam C. Lively 

Produced by UPP Studios