Helium Is Dangerous | Sketches | UPP Studios

  • 03/26/2018

UPP Studios presents, the first of many ultra-short new media sketch comedy videos, entitled “Helium Is Dangerous.” Working with fake blood is a real pain. We have yet to find a brand that does not stain the skin. As such, it is not only difficult to get more than one take without seeing those blood stains, but it is also difficult to shoot anything else afterwards without noticing those obvious residual marks. We took all of this into consideration and decided to shoot two sketches back to back that both involved fake blood. Since it was going to stain the skin, it made sense for the same person to be covered in blood for both videos. Enjoy a bit of schadenfreude as David douses himself in fake blood for your viewing pleasure. Thanks for watching, and please let us know what you think in the comments section below!

Cast and Crew:

Phil - Adam C. Lively

Charlie - David M. Goldman

Writers - David M. Goldman & Adam C. Lively

Directors - David M. Goldman & Adam C. Lively

Editor - Adam C. Lively

Director of Photography - Adam C. Lively

Produced by UPP Studios