Home Improvement | Sketches | UPP Studios

  • 07/10/2017

UPP Studios is proud to present, another new media sketch comedy video, entitled "Home Improvement." There's no telling where a sketch idea will come from. Adam C. Lively found the piece of cardboard that David M. Goldman's character is affixing to the door in the beginning of this video. He brought it home to David, and the two stared at it and asked themselves (and each other), "is there something we can do with this?" Ultimately, they came up with this ridiculous idea, for your viewing pleasure. Thank you for tuning in and please share your thoughts about this video in the comments section below!

Cast and Crew:

Lester - David M. Goldman

Bryce - Adam C. Lively

Katie - Cheree N. Borquez

Writers - Adam C. Lively & David M. Goldman

Directors - Adam C. Lively & David M. Goldman

Editor - Adam C. Lively

Director of Photography - Adam C. Lively

Produced by UPP Studios