Pranks | Sketches | UPP Studios

  • 03/26/2018

UPP Studios is proud to present, another ultra-short new media sketch comedy video, entitled “Pranks.” Sometimes there is a lot of planning that goes into one of our videos, other times we play it fast and loose, discussing logistics as we go. This video was created using the latter technique. When one plays fast and loose, there is opportunity for miscommunication. Adam gave David a very clear set of instructions before the two filmed this sketch. Had David followed these very simple instructions, Adam would have come out unscathed, and a great shot would have been captured. Instead, David, by nobody’s fault but his own, ignored Adam’s instructions, causing an entire shelving unit to fall on Adam’s back. While a great shot was still captured, Adam walked away with some serious scratches sprawled across his back and the company printer was destroyed. The moral of the story: there is no video too short to thoroughly plan. Planning will only further one’s chances of success. Don’t be Dave. Thanks for watching! We encourage you to let us know what you think in the comments section below!

Cast and Crew:

Jay - David M. Goldman

Ned - Adam C. Lively

Writer - Adam C. Lively & David M. Goldman

Directors - Adam C. Lively & David M. Goldman

Editor - Adam C. Lively

Director of Photography - Adam C. Lively

Produced by UPP Studios